Outliving Dracula: Le Fanu's Carmilla

with Blaue Stunde


May 11, 2013


11:15 pm

Boston LGBT Film Festival 2012

With in person.
Fergus Daly and Katherine Waugh
Run Time
Outliving Dracula explores the radical influence of the classic (and first) lesbian vampire story, JS Le Fanu's Carmilla, on generations of filmmakers - from Carl Dreyer's extraordinary Vampyr to Roger Vadim's Blood and Roses, from the Gothic kitsch of Hammer through to films produced for an art gallery context. Featuring interviews with leading film scholars and lesbian artists influenced by Le Fanu, Outliving Dracula seeks to redefine Le Fanu's critical importance as an Irish writer whose ghostly traces remain profound and enigmatic. This documentary suggests
This film is presented in English with English subtitles.
Outliving Dracula explores the radical inf luence of the classic (and first) lesbian vampire story, JS Le Fanu’s Carmilla, on generations of filmmakers - from Carl Dreyer’s extraordinary Vampyr to Roger Vadim’s Blood and Roses, from the Gothic kitsch of Hammer through to films produced for an art gallery context. Featuring interviews with leading film scholars and lesbian artists influenced by Le Fanu, Outliving Dracula seeks to redefine Le Fanu’s critical importance as an Irish writer whose ghostly traces remain profound and enigmatic. This documentary suggests that Carmilla may perhaps be more radical and transgressive today as a creative wellspring than its successor Dracula.
Wicked Queer is proud to co-present this program with
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This short film program includes the following films:

Blaue Stunde

Through a life-changing accident, Jona, a full-time nurse, has to learn how to live as an invalid. Without having any alternatives, Jona has to bear with Luca, her new nurse. As time goes by she begins to trust Luca more and more. Over the time a love relationship originates between the two of them. But this relationship finds a sudden end when Jona finds out that Luca isn't who she claims to be.

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