Play in the Gray
Kaitlin Meelia
92 min
Challenging and entertaining, Play in the Gray is a documentary that turns gender on its head by exploring the personal lives behind a small group of Boston-based drag theatre performers, All the Kings Men (ATKM). the troupe takes viewers on a ride through extreme gender presentation and frustrations regarding the limited tolerance - even within the queer community - for that gray area between She and He. Director and performers in attendance
Play in the Gray is a penetrating, and at times vulnerably raw, portrait of the work, art, and emotional lives of the members of All the Kings Men. All the Kings Men is a drag and cabaret inspired theater troupe based out of Boston. The troupe intrigues— on stage they perform as old ladies or appear to be women dressed as men or men dressed as women. Their electrifying, award-winning show makes audiences laugh while also questioning themselves and the world. Behind the scenes, Katie, Maria, Julee, Karin, Jill and Leighsa, the members of All the Kings Men, practice hard, spend long hours on the road, and struggle to “make it”—they want All the Kings Men to be a household name.
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