Amy Gattie
Run Time
When the Rev. Christopher Fike was ordained in the Episcopal Church he was a straight, married mother of two. Five years later he had completed his transition and now identifies as a man. ‘Too Cold Out There Without You’ is a post-transition story that looks beyond the act of transitioning and instead focuses on the transformations that take place in Chris’s relationships and the church as a result of his transition.
This film is presented in English with English subtitles.
When the Rev. Christopher Fike was ordained in the Episcopal Church in 1999, he was a straight, married mother of two adorable children. By 2004 he had completed his transition and now identifies as a man. Chris’s decision to change genders ignited tensions in both his family and in a Church still reeling in the aftermath of its consecration of Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the world’s first openly gay bishop. Too Cold Out There Without You is a post‐transition story that looks beyond the act of transitioning and instead focuses on the transformation that takes place in Chris’s relationships with those closest to him. Chris’s family were confused about what would happen to Sarah, the person they had loved for forty years. Chris’s career in the Church was severely derailed by his transition. Forced to take a leave of absence, Chris found himself angry, unemployed and alienated from an institution he loved. And everybody worried about the impact his transition would have on his kids. Chris’s journey looks at what it takes for people to stay connected and shows how our lives can be better together despite unexpected turns life sometimes takes.
Wicked Queer is proud to co-present this program with
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